Sunday, November 30, 2008

November 29 - At Home

November 29 - Saturday, my husband returns from work at around 10am. He bought banana and dalanghita from the fruit stall at the jeepney terminal. He took his nap while me and my son watches DVD of his favorite movies, (Finding Nemo and The Cars). my son wakes his father at around 2pm, because they will go to a birthday party. I am not feeling well so I am not going with them. Luigi is the only child of my husband's friend Chitorb. I already meet him several times, but I have not see his son and wife. My husband asked me for the last time if I really don't want to go with them. I really not feeling well, it is because I am feeling dizzy and I always feel that I am going to throw up. I should rather stay at home and rest.

At around 6pm, my husband and my son arrived, we had dinner together. My husband still has to got to work that night.

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