Wednesday, December 31, 2008

December 28 - Welcome Home Kuya Rod

December 28 - We woke up at 3:30 am that day, because Kuya Rod (Ate Cris' husband ) is coming home from Qatar. His Arrival is at 4:00 am, Ate wants us to pick them at 3:00 am but I told Ate to adjust it to 4:00am because it is too early. Kuya Rod still have to line up with the immigration and etc, and another thing is that Adrian is also coming with us.

At 4:00 am Adrian is stilll sleeping, his father put a jacket on him and carried him into the car, but eventually he opened his eyes and asked where are we going. I told him that we will pck up Ate and Kyla but he can continue his sleep along the way.

Few minutes after and we are at Ate's house, Jelmar loads their things in the trunk. We have to drop by to our parents house to unload the foods and drinks. The welcome party will be held at my parents' house so they wll be the one to cook the food. After unloading, off we go the airport. We arrived there fifteen minutes before 5:00am; Kuya Rod is already at the arrival. My husband helped my brother in law in loading his things, luckily they were able to squeeze those boxes to fit into the trunk.

We arrived at my parents' house before 6:oo am. We we have pork sinigang, rice, and pandesal with cheese for breakfast. Ate Maricel and her family were already there since yesterday. That morning they had videoke and had some brandy. Ate Maricel was in-charge in the kitchen, she already started cooking menudo and kare-kare for the lunch and the spaghetti for the afternoon snack.

After having snack we told our parents that we have to go because my husband's uncle is expecting that we will visit them today and also Kuya Rod needs a rest from a very long night trip.

December 25 - Christmas Day

December 25 - Thursday, Christmas Day, my husband asked if I am already feeling well. He is planning to take us to the mall on that day. Well I told him that maybe I should go out, we can go back home if I am really not well.

Festival Mall opens at 12 noon, we waited for few minutes before the mall opens because we arrived earlier. We ate first at Max's Restaurant. After resting for few minutes; we went to the ground floor so that Adrian can ride in the mini car driving area. Surprisingly the area is full of kids and parents; what we thought at first is that most of the kids were busy visiting their godparents as we used to be when we are younger.

After that ride, we went to the department store to look for a maternity dress for me; but I did not find the one that I am looking for. I asked my husband to go to the other mall nearby which is the Alabang Town Center. At the mall, we saw same scenario, there are still a lot of people but this time it is the cinema area which is full. Before strolling the mall, Adrian asked for a snack at Jolibee.

Unfortunately the Havin' a baby store is temporarily closed that day, so we decided to look at other stalls. At the end we saw nice and comfortable dress at Cinderella and Get Loud Store. My husband too bought a jacket, short and T-shirt for himself. We also bought a new toy (power ranger) for Adrian. He is very excited with his new toy that he told us that we can now go home.

December 24 - Christmas Eve

December 24 - Wednesday, Christmas Eve, I am not feeling well on that day so my husband did not push me to cook something for the Noche Buena, anyway it is only the three of us. My in-laws supposed to be celebrating the Christmas with us, but because someone did a forced entry in their house few weeks ago, they did not want to leave the house for the meantime; instead had Claire to be with them on the Christmas upto New Year.

My husband cooked the ham for the dinner and that's all that we had for the Noche Buena. In Imus, my sisters and their families were celebrating the Christmas with my parents. They really wanted me to come but they know that I am not feeling well since yesterday.

After the dinner we asked Adrian to open his gift, actually he already opened some of his gifts and there is only one that remained unopened . After taking some photos we went upstairs and watch a movie on HBO.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

December 20 - My Check Up and etc.

December 20 - Saturday, schedule of my second check up with my OB. We were already at the clinic at 8:30, I am patient number 5, the clinic opens at 9 am so we have to wait for few more minutes. Thirty minutes past nine, I told my husband to ask the secretary if Dra. Mata is coming. the secretary told us that Dra. Mata is doing a delivery so she will be late today, but she assures that she will come at 11 am. Fifteen minutes after 11, the secretary informed is that she is already on the way. I am stressed out because we are there early, but my husband told me not to take it seriously because we do not have control over this. I am hungry, so I told my husband to have lunch at Jolibee. After having lunch, my husband told Claire to go to the clinic while we will drop by at the department store to buy gifts for the party later this afternoon.

After buying the gifts we went back to the clinic. We still waited for some more minutes, Dra. Mata arrives at around 12:30 pm. When it is my turn already, she cjeck my baby's heartbeat using an apparatus which she puts at the lower part of my tummy. We can really hear the heartbeat of my baby. She told me that the baby has a normal heartbeat, she advised that I continue my the vitamins that I am taking now but I have to make it twice a day, because I only gained less than 3 lbs for the past 5 weeks.

After that we head our way to my parents' house in Imus, we will give them the grocery items for Christmas eve. When we enter the subdivision we saw my youngest sister Matet walking out of the subdivision, she is going to her classmate birthday party. Ate Maricel with his son Charlie is also there. Charlie will be spending his vacation there.

At 3pm, my husband and I told my son and my parents that we have to go to Manila to meet my husband's supplier of electronic gadgets. At around 5:30 pm, we pick up Adrian and Claire and told my parents that we still have to attend a party that was organized by Kuya Larry for his customer -Kuya Larry owns the Car maintenance shop.

Kuya Larry and Sir Chitorb were busy setting up the sound system when we arrived, while Kuya Larry's wife is busy preparing the table for the food. Their crew were doing the barbecue. After few more minutes, others were starting to arrive. When almost all is already there, Kuya Larry told us that we can eat while we are still waiting for others who were stucked in heavy traffic due to the last minute shopping.

After eating, we proceeded with the exchange gift, while the kids were busy watching a movie, and then a mini raffle for all. Kuya Larry and His wife also distribute their gifts for everyone.

At around 9pm, the party is not yet over, but we have to left early. We told everyone that we have to go, and they understand because I am pregnant. We also drop by at the dogfood store which is also along the way from Kuya Larry's shop.

December 19 - Equipment Engineering Christmas Party

December 19 - It is the day of our party and also the last day of work before the two week long company shutdown. After work we head our way to Pansol Laguna where we rented a private pool. My friend/neighbor/co-employee Ileen and his husband Jufil told us not to bring a car on that day because they are bringing their car.

We are the last to arrive, but the party has not yet started. They are still preparing for the food, but others were already eating. We already had snack along the way, so I did not eat much that time. After having fruits, I told my friend Tonet to went to the room to continue the scrapbook that we are doing for Ate Josie. She was been in the company for 26 years, she has been with the group for 6 six years and this is her last day with the company.

We went up to the room. Ate Josie saw us going up so she followed us there. We cannot proceed with the scrapbook so we told her that we will change clothes first. After changing clothes, the emcee is calling everyone because the party is about to start. The prayer was led by Beth, and then a short opening remarks from our department manager. We decided to continue the scrapbook when the games started, although we will miss the fun there, we have to complete the scrapbook, before the surprised part of tonight's party for Ate Josie. Other group also prepared something for her - they paid for a caricature of herself doing her favorite sport which is bowling. For our group, we choose to have it personalized, which is the scrapbook of her photos.

After finishing the scrapbook, at the last two pages, we let everyone to put a dedication for Ate Josie.

Then the emcee called Ate Josie at the front to give the gifts, she was surprised because she did not know that we prepared something for her.

At around 12pm we left, while others will stay for overnight. We arrived at home at 1:15 am of the next day.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

December 13 - Group Christmas Party

December 13 - Saturday, our group organized a Christmas party for our technicians. Our group is a small one, we invited other technicians from other group to be our guest, since their group is not having one (maybe their group supervisors is too busy organize a party for them). Every year we make it a point to organize a small party for the group, it is the only time of the year that we see other for none work related matters. We pushed through we it even though at the very last day, some of the attendees had emergency matters to attend.

We rented a private pool at Laguna, where we can spend the whole day with the group. The venue also has a billiard, so while others enjoying the pool, others can play the game.

My husband is coming from night shift work so he will pick me up before going to the place. Our former co-employee Francis is also joining the party so we picked him up at Robinson's Pala-Pala. We arrived at the venue at past 11 am, almost time for lunch and foods were all ready.
After having a full lunch, some choose to sing in the videoke while some were playing the billiards, others were in the pool.

Over-all the party is a successfull one. This is the only time of the year that we can be together because some of us were in crewing schedule.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

December 7 - Dream Match

December 7 - Sunday, this is a special for Filipinos around the world, because today is the day of Pacquiao - Dela Hoya Dream Match. As any other Filipinos, we choose to stay home and wait for the telecast of the match. We are lucky to have a free live telecast from our cable service provider which, others will have to watch from cinemas, cofee shops, bars and others will go to the municipal stadium to catch it live.

My husband, I and my son cheers for our Filipino fighter, eventhough it is obvious that the opponent is bigger and taller.

For fun sake, my husband and I made a bet, I am for Manny and he will will be for Oscar. The loser will bathe our son daily. At the end of the fight I won, I am happy because I used to bathe my son everyday, now my husband will take over with the task starting tomorow.

December 6 - Decorating for Christmas

December 6, Saturday, later in the afternoon, we decided to decorate our Christmas tree. Our tree was been there for almost five years, and we do not have plans of replacing it with a new one. Well, as long as it still stands and serves it purpose, replacing it is an additional expense; and it also has a sentimental value because we bought it from a friend.

Claire and my husband already washed the tree and the accessories yesterday and all we have to is to assemble the tree. After completing the tree, we put the Christmas balls and the ribbons on it. We also added the new ribbon I bought and the new Christmas lights, although our old Christmas lights is still working, it has few busted bulbs and we cannot find replacements because most of the available now in the market is the LED type.

After that we reserved the placing of the Christmas star to our son. We still do not have any gifts under the tree because my Christmas shopping is still not yet finished.

Monday, December 1, 2008

December 1 - Cai's First Birthday

December 1, Monday, we do not have work while Adrian also don't have to go to school, it is because the November 30 holiday (Bonifacio Day) which falls on a Sunday was moved to the next working day.

We spent the morning watching DVD of Lord of the Ring, while we have a birthday party to attend on the afternoon. At around 1 pm, Ate Cris sent a text message if I can look after Kyla this afternoon. She has to go to the market to buy some necessities for her store. She usually asks Ate Maricel to do the favor because she lives on the subdivision beside her, (maybe Ate Maricel has something to do, or maybe they are already out). I answered back that we will attend to a birthday party, she suggested if we can bring Kyla along with us. Well, that would not be a problem, so I told her to that we will pick up Kyla at 2pm.

The clown presentation just started when we arrived at the venue. Adrian and Kyla join the kids watching the clowns do the tricks.

When the bring me game started, Adrian is carefully listening to what the clown has to say. When he heard to bring a beautiful mommy, he was pulling me and begging to me to go the clown. Well, he managed to bring me but another mommy is already there.

After the games were over, and the birthday favors were given; we told the hosts that we have to go home. They do understand because we have to go to work tomorrow.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

November 30 - Shopping for Christmas Gifts

November 30, Sunday, my husband returns from work at 10am. He rested for few hours and wakes up at 12nn to have lunch. At around 1pm we leave and went to Alabang to shop for Christmas gifts. It is already late for usually we do our Christmas shopping at mid November. My husband is a little worried because of my condition. I told him that I feel better now because of the whole day rest yesterday.

At 1:30pm we arrived at Festival Mall Alabang, we had hard time looking for parking slot. After patiently waiting for few minutes, we saw a car going out. Luckily there is no other car waiting except us, so we had the freed up space.

We went directly to second floor where the kid section stalls were located. At first I had to checked one stall at a time and finally found a nice store, I bought 12 items at that store. After that we went to another store and bought 3 items, and then to another store and bought only 1 item.

After that there were still remaining items on my list, but Adrian wanted to have a snack. All Food stalls were fully packed with people so my husband decided to just take out some donut and his favorite steamed corn, while he asked Claire to buy french fries. We went to a vacant corner were there are no people standing by and had our quick snack.

After that we had to finished our shopping, we went to other few more stalls but found nothing that fits our budget and of course the quality that we are looking for.

Then we decided to went to the department store hoping to find more selections, but we were dismayed to see pile of people at the counter. Then I told my husband to go home and to continue our shopping next weekend.

We drop by at HotShots to have their famous grilled burgers. It is Adrian's first time to eat burger. He only ate half of his burger, but at least he tried. He just enjoy the potato fries and chips. After that we went home.

November 29 - At Home

November 29 - Saturday, my husband returns from work at around 10am. He bought banana and dalanghita from the fruit stall at the jeepney terminal. He took his nap while me and my son watches DVD of his favorite movies, (Finding Nemo and The Cars). my son wakes his father at around 2pm, because they will go to a birthday party. I am not feeling well so I am not going with them. Luigi is the only child of my husband's friend Chitorb. I already meet him several times, but I have not see his son and wife. My husband asked me for the last time if I really don't want to go with them. I really not feeling well, it is because I am feeling dizzy and I always feel that I am going to throw up. I should rather stay at home and rest.

At around 6pm, my husband and my son arrived, we had dinner together. My husband still has to got to work that night.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

November 26 - Dinner at Yellow Cab

November 26, Wednesday, My husband told that they will meet me at Robinson's Pala-pala after work. We will treat my father-in law to dinner at Yellow Cab, because he will be leaving tomorrow. We drop by at Gourmet's Store to bought some herbal tea that he can bring to the province.

After buying herbal tea (pito-pito, banaba, and amplaya) we head our way to Tagaytay. We ordered pizza, chili wings, and pasta. After eating, we drop by to a Collete's store to buy buko pie and broas and then we went home.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

November 25 - My father in-law visited us

November 25, Tuesday, my father in-law visited us.

My father-in law is planning to retire, so he will request for computation of his retirement plan. My husband will accompany him to GSIS. If they will have enough time tomorrow, they will also go to Gourmet's at Silang to buy some herbal tea. My husband also plans to treat his father to a dinner.

November 24 - Pick me up at Work

November 24, It is my husband's day-off, he called me and told me that his ATM card is missing. I instructed him to call the hotline of BPI to cut-off his card. They instructed him to withdraw the amount on the same branch it is opened. That card is a our compensation card and was opened by the company at the BPI branch inside gateway business park. I told my husband to went their with Adrian and Claire, and wait for me until 4:45pm. I told him to make sure that they are at the bank before 3pm, so that they will not wait for me for too long. Before that my husband went to his friend Kuya Larry to have the car alarm fixed.

At past 2pm, my husband called me. They are already at the recreational area of our company. I went there and Adrian was very happy to see me. He was doing his assignment, and I checked what he had started.

Before 3pm, I had to go back inside the company because I have to attend a TQM meeting.

At 4pm I went back to our maintenance bay and instructed my technician who is assisting the service engineer doing a repair on our two major down machines. At 4:30pm I went to cafeteria to have a snack, but I did not see any from our group having snack so I decided to went down.

At 4:45, I went to the parking lot of the recreational area and my husband has just started the car. We went to SM Dasmarinas, had a snack at red ribbon, pay my globe telephone bill, and buy some maternity clothes. Adrian is asking for a toy so we went to the toy section of the department store. Unfortunately the toy that he likes just got out of stock. We told him to look for another toy, but he did not want any other toy. So we told him that we will check again next week if the toy is already available, and then we went home.

Monday, November 24, 2008

November 23 - Chickenpox booster for Adrian

November 24, Adrian and I went to Wellcare Clinic for his final vaccine for this year, while Claire waited for my husband who is coming from work and then they will meet us at the clinic. Before 9:00am, we were already at Waltermart, the clinic opens at 9:00am so we have to wait for some more time outside. When the guard opened the door, Adrian was the first to come in. When we get into the clinic we immediately get our number. Luckily we were patient number one for Dra. Yambot.

Dra. Yambot clinic starts at 10:00am. so we have to wait for one hour. I let Adrian play with his PSP so that he will not get bored. At exactly 10am, Dra. Yambot arrives and she called us. I told her that we have to wait for my husband, so she called number 2 instead. It is already patient number four when my husband and Claire arrived.

When it is our turn already, Adrian went inside first and greeted Dra. Yambot. He told her that he does not want vaccination (as always). After doing some routine check up with Adrian, such as getting his weight, height, checking his ears, nose, eyes and throat, Dra. Yambot instructed my husband to have Adrian sit on his lap.

And then after that a loud shout was heard. Adrian will be back on 2011, well a long break for him.

After that we went to my parents house in Imus.

My parents were very happy to see for the first time officially pregnant.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

November 22 - My First Check-up

November 22, Saturday, My schedule to see my OB. My OB will be at the clinic at 9am, but the the clinic opens at 7:30 am. At around 7:30 I am ready to go, but Adrian insisted that he wanted to go with me. So, he had a quick shower and then prepared his small bag. We also brought his PSP so that he will not be bored waiting. I also packed him a peanut butter sandwich and water in case he will get hungry, although we already had breakfast. My husband will be coming from work this morning, he will meet us there.

When I arrived at the clinic at around 8:30 am, the attendant at the front desk informed me that Dra. Mata is not around, but another OB is attending to her patients.

My husband arrived at quarter to 10:00 am, the number is still at number 10. My number is 15, so we have to wait for some more minutes. When my number is called, my husband and Adrian came with me inside the room. The OB, prescribed a vitamins for me and ask me to lay down in the separate room. Adrian thought that the baby will come out now, because when I came out of the room he asks where the baby is. We explained to him that it is still small and has to grow first before going out.

After my check up, my husband went to the supermarket to buy fruits and some other commodities. Adrian and I waited outside. And then we went home.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

November 19 - Ultrasound

November 19, Wednesday, I ask permission from my boss if I can left early. It is because I have to undergo ultrasound, because the OB of our company instructed me to have it immediately because I consulted her regarding a blood that I saw when I urinated. He allows me and asked if my husband is around to assist me, and I told him yes. My husband also told his supervisor about it.

We arrived at Wellcare clinic at around 4 pm. The attending doctor will come at around 5 pm, so we decided to stroll around Waltermart. We also bought fruits from the supermarket. At quarter to 5 we returned to the clinic. At 5pm I went to comfort room to urinate, it is already my second time to undergo Trans V ultrasound so I know that the attendant will asked me to urinate first. At 5:05 the doctor came, my name was first to be called.

After the procedure we still waited for few minutes for the result. When the result was given, we are excited, so we open the envelop and saw the print out of the ultrasound. We saw a baby, and my husband and I were very happy. The we read the attache result and we were suprised that the baby is already 9 weeks and 3 days. We thought all along that I am just 4 weeks pregnant because I just conducted pregnancy test on the first week of October and it was negative. Maybe I should have done the test a week after to get a positive result.

We drop by at Pugon de Manila to buy pandesal and loaf bread.

When we arrived at home, the dinner is ready. After having dinner, I show the ultrasound result to Adrian, and ask him what he can see. At first he was denial, and told me that he don't know what is that. I review his assignments and after helping him with the drawing needed in one of his assignments, I show him the ultrasound again. This time he answered back, it is a baby, mommy I want a baby brother, then he hugs me and kiss my tummy.

Monday, November 17, 2008

November 18 - I'm Positive

November 18, Tuesday, my husband woke me up and told me that the pregnancy test is at the table. He bought it from our clinic, he told me that the nurses were teasing him because at last I am pregnant again. He answered back that it is not yet sure, because I am irregular.

It is my time to test if I was pregnant. I am doing it because I still don't have my monthly period for November; actually for almost three months now.

I carefully put three drops of my urine to the tester and watched carefully at the indicator. I saw one line appears on the area marked "T" immediately, I know it is going to have two lines because on my previous test the line appears only at the end. And after that another line on the area marked "C" also appears. Then I shouted to call my husband who is still in the room. He went down and he saw the result. He shouted as if he won in a lottery, his sister Claire who is preparing the breakfast is also happy with the result. Adrian is still sleeping, my husband told me that we should break the news to our son slowly because he was too vocal that he did not want a baby yet.

I went to work, while my husband stayed at home because it is his day-off. I already informed the clinic that I am pregnant, but the date of pregnancy is not cleared so they told me to have an ultrasound to determine the exact date. The OB also given a request for complete blood test and urine test.

After that I called my husband to meet me at Wellcare clinic after work to have those laboratories. Unluckily the clinic is already closed when I arrived, so we went to La Salle. I had the complete blood test and urine test but not the ultrasound because there is no more doctor at that time. The result will be released after two hours, so we decided to eat dinner at Max's Restaurant nearby. I called Claire and told her that to have dinner because we still have to wait for the result.

After having dinner we returned to the hospital laboratory to get the results and then we went home.

November 16 - Haircut, etc.

November 16, Sunday, we went to Robinsons Imus for, where Julius Barber shop is located. My son and husband were having haircut that day. Claire and I went to Pugon Manila to buy bread and peanut butter for our snack while we are waiting at the barber shop and some of it to give to my parents.

After the haircut, we drop by Handy man to buy car perfume, Christmas lights and ribbons. After that we head our way to Imus.

When we get there, Adrian saw his Tita Matet, sleeping at the sofa. He was excited to see her so he jump over her Tita and awaken her. Ate Liezel did not allow her to report to her on the job training that day because tonight is the start of their journey for a four-day educational trip that will cover industries from Baguio to Clark Pampanga.

We had lunch at my parents house. They have paksiw na bangus and longganisa for lunch.

I gave the resume that Ate Liezel asked me to print for her. She is starting to hunt for job abroad, eventhough we are keep on telling her that she should enjoy her vacation first and after the holidays, she can start her job hunting.

My mother cooked ginataang kamoteng kahoy for our snack.

For our dinner, my mother cooked sinigang na isda, and then we go. Adrian thought that his Tita Matet is going with us because she is already in the car when we got inside. I told him that we will drop her Tita at the junction to catch a bus going to Manila.

November 15 - Makati City and Malling Again

November 15, Saturday, we went to Makati City to buy perfumes. After that we head to Mall of Asia to have lunch. Adrian requested to have lunch at Mc Donalds so that we can buy happy meal which has a free toy of Madagascar. We watched the part one of the movie, whilw we are still not seen the new one. But Adrian is always seeing it from the commercials.

After eating I get the free toy from the booth. Most of the main characters were already out of stock so I decided to choose Julien and Moto-moto. I handed the toy to Adrian and told him that the lione and girrafe that he asks for is not available, but it is fine with him.

He played with the toys, they have recorded voice that is activated when you touched the toy. After few minutes, we went to the department store to buy photo albums and gift wrappers. We also went to the Christmas decoration section but again, I did not find any decoration with no glitters.

We stroll the mall for possible gift items and bought some for our godchildren.

After that we decided to go home.

November 9 - UMC La Salle Hospital

November 9, Sunday, we went to UMC La Salle for my son's check-up. When we got there, the doctor is still not around, but his Secretary allows us to enter the clinic because there is an on-going re-painting of walls and my son is already complaining about the smell. After waiting for few minutes, Adrian is getting bored he asked the secretary where is doctor. Finally after waiting for almost 30 minutes, doctor came and checked on Adrian's wound immediately. He removed the strings on the wounds. My son was afraid at first because he thought it would hurt, he even told the doctor to be very carefull but as the doctor performed the procedure he felt nothing.

After the procedure, we went directly to my parents house in Imus. Upon arriving, my son shows them the wound under his chin. My parents and sisters were calm to see that the wound is not that big as they expected.

We had lunch and then my son played with his cousin JC and my brother JR. Matet is not around because of her on the job training at PLDT Imus.

We had dinner there and have to wait for Matet before we went home, because she wanted to see Adrian.

November 8 - Makati and Malling

November 8, Saturday, we supposed to got to UMC for Adrian's follow up check-up; but when we check the schedule, the doctor schedule is afternoon only from 2-3pm. So we decided to go there on sunday when he has a morning schedule. We also scheduled to go to Makati City to buy the ordered perfumes. It is my husband's small business, he was selling perfumes to his friends and for a couple of months now and it is doing fine, today he had 13 orders. But before that we have to meet his friend along the macapagal road who is selling electronic gadgets, my husband also has one Ipod touch order sor a co-employee. While waiting for him, we decided to eat at the KFC because it is almost lunch time.

After buying the perfumes, we went to SM Mall of Asia to buy some small things. The mall has started to decorate the area with Christmas decorations. They are just started to built big Christmas tree in the center. I am also looking for additional ornaments for our Christmas tree but I don't see anything that I like. Most of it has glitters on it, and I don't like decorations with glitters on it. Adrian saw the skating rink and he asked if he can do skating. His father told him that he cannot because his wound is still not healed yet.

After strolling the mall for couple of hours, we decided to go home.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November 2 - Emergency Room At La Salle

November 2, Sunday night, accident happens when you least expected it. I do not like to write this on my blog, because I only write good memories and happy ones (that is why I am not writing anything about work here, unless it is about promotion or recognition); but my husband told me told do so. We were already at home then I carried my son as he fell asleep in the car. I asked him to wake up and he answered. When I opened the door, I let him stand and he tried few steps to the sofa which is just few steps from our doorstep.

It is too late that I saw that he fell, he cried and when I pick him up I saw blood under his chin. My husband and Claire were still unloading our things in the car. I told my husband immediately that we need to go to the hospital. Adrian is afraid of hospital and needles. He keeps on telling us that he is okay and there is no need to go to hospital.

When we arrived at the emergency room, the attending doctor looks in his wound. He told us that the wound may or may not need stitching, but he says that stitching the wound will make it to heal faster and will leave a smaller mark. So we decided to go for the stitching. But before he can proceed with that, he injected Anesthesia. This is the time that we need to help the nurses in controlling my son. He fears needles that much that we are four and yet we cannot control my son. I almost cry during that time, but I control myself. At last my husband finds a way; he talked to Adrian that it will be fast and lesser painful after the injection. After the injection; the doctor proceed with stitching, Adrian actually asked me what the doctor is doing, the anesthesia already worked. We just told him the doctor is cleaning his wound. We also requested for X-ray of my son’s skull, to find out whether he had some dislocated bones, thank God, the x-ray shows no dislocated or fracture on his skull.
The doctor gave him antibiotic for a week and then we went home. Before sleeping we told Adrian that it should not happen again and we should be very careful in every action that we are taking. As a precaution, we told him that as much as possible, he will not sleep in the car, or if he really fell asleep, my husband will carry him to the house. After that we prayed together and thank God.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

November 2 - Welcome Home Celebration Part 2

November 2, Sunday morning, my mother woke up early to went to the market for our food for that day. My mother told me to prepare breakfast as she will be coming late, and the kids may want ot have an early breakfast; especially my son who used to have breakfast as early as 5am in the morning. I cooked hotdogs, ham and eggs. I was not wrong my son was the first to wake up among the kids.

We had to eat first because the dining table is only for 6 persons. My son hates ketchup so the one sitting beside him should have no ketchup on the plate.

The after few more minutes, the other kids went down to have their breakfast. Ate Maricel take charge of cooking the menudo and buttered shrimp for lunch; while Ate Cris has to go after having breakfast, she left Kyla with us. She has to open her store, because sunday has most number of customers. Matet has to go to PLDT Imus for her on the job training.

At lunch time, Adis arrived together with her boyfriend JV. We actually met him before, he has been in the house for several sundays. In the afternoon, we are waiting for Lala and her family. She is now in-charge at the small eatery and store that my parents left in Dampalit.

I grilled tahong, liempo and tilapia for the dinner, while Ate Maricel cooked spaghetti for the kids. My father, Kuya Jimmy, my husband and Jayvee were having some bottles of beer. We are playing badminton in the road when we saw Kyla crying, she told us that seh wanted to go because she already misses her mother. Lala still not arrived but we decided to go because Kyla will not stop crying. She and her mother were very close to eah other, since her father was in Qatar for two years. Ate Maricel with her family also decided to come with us.

November 1 - Welcome Home Celebration

November 1, Saturday, we arrived at Imus at around 8pm. My parents are at the front of the house waiting for Ate Liezel, while the kids are inside watching cartoons. Ate Maricel and Kuya Jimmy with son Charlie were already there when we arrived. We eat dinner, my parents cooked some family favorites, like inihaw na bangus and tilapia, biko, and pork sinigang.

After eating, Ate Liezel had lots of stories to tell. She shows also some pictures taken during her stay at Saudi. We also updates her with the events that she missed during the two years that she is out of the country. She also unloads her pasalubongs to the kids and for all of us.

We decided to stay overnight there. At first we are thinking how can we fit in a four bedroom house; but we used to fit in a small house in Malabon, so why not in this house which is a lot bigger.

November 1 - NAIA

November 1, Saturday, It is not only All Saints day, but most especially it is the arrival of Ate Liezel. Ate Cris asked if we can drop by at their house to pick up Kyla. She will close their store by 6pm so she will just go to Imus alone. At around 3pm, we arrived at Parklane, Kyla is already prepared, but Ate changed her mind at the last minute. She also wanted to go with us. I helped her close the store, and the we go to Imus to drop the kids at my parents house. It is almost 4pm when we arrived at Imus, so we just unload the kids and their things and off we go. It is All Saints day so we are expecting heavy, but we experienced the opposite. The road is clear, and the flow of traffic is smooth. Estimated arrival of Ate Liezel is at 6:15 to 6:30 pm. We arrived one hour early at the departure area. Ate and I stayed at the waiting area, while my husband stayed at the car. Ate bought snack from Jollibee, I called my husband to go to the area, but he rather stay their to watch over the car, because the door alarm is malfunctioning. He asked if I can just bring him the snack. Ate bought hot sandwich and fries for all of us, for my husband he does not drinking softdrinks so she bought pineapple juice for him.

At around 6:30pm, the arrival of the plane from Riyahd was announced. We are very excited, my husband texted me that he received a message from Ate Liezel that she just get off the plane. We waited for another 30 minutes but Ate Liezel still not in the area. Two more planes arrived, which is from Sydney and Hongkong. Maybe Ate Liezel is still at the immigration area.

After few minutes, at last we saw her. We shouted at her and she saw us. We hug and kiss each other. Two years is a long time. Then we asked her if she wanted to have a dinner. She had dinner in the plane so we choice to go directly to Imus where our family members are waiting for her.

October 31 - Honesty Award

October 31, Friday 8am, Honesty award for the last quarter. Our company acknowledges honest employee who returns valuable property of co-employees. I am one of them. I found a cellphone at ladies CR. It is already outgoing that time, but I and my husband decided to extend a few hours at work. We will have our break then, when I told him that I need to go to the ladies room and asked him to wait for me in the cafeteria.

When I entered the cubicle, I will put my cellphone in the small glass mounted on the wall. I saw another cellphone there. I am alone in the CR, so I decided to wait for the owner but after few minutes of waiting, no one shows up. My husband is already texting on what is taking me too long. So I decided to go to the security office to surrender the cellphone. There they asked for my name and the location where I found the item.

And that is the story behind of my honesty award.

October 29 - Kinder Dance Presentation

October 29, Wednesday, I informed my boss that the dance presentation of my son was moved this afternoon. Me and my husband will be going home early to watch the presentation. We promised our son that we will be there to watch him.

We left at exactly 3:00pm in the afternoon, the time slot for the presentation is 4pm. We arrived at Vel Maris at around 3:30pm. We went directly to the venue and saw the kinder students already preparing for their turn. Luckily we were able to arrived early, because the presentation is about to begin. When Adrian saw us, we saw a big smile on his face. Claire told us that Adrian is always asking her where we are.

My husband took pictures of our son while dancing. We are very proud of him, because he is doing good in dancing.

After their presentation, as a reward we dropped by at Dunkin Donuts. We also buy grilled chicken at Sr. Pedro.

Monday, October 27, 2008

October 28 - Vel Maris Foundation Day

October 28, Tuesday, my husband and I had a filed a vacation leave today to watch our son perform on their school foundation activity. It is my son who requested if we can leave from work, because last year we decided to just go half day at work and yet we missed his presentation because their slot was moved earlier than the scheduled time.

We decided to left the house early to get a good parking space. The school ground can only accommodate limited number of cars. There is an on-going activity at the basketball court when we arrived, but we choose to go to the Kinder room. There is nobody in the room, but it is open. We entered the room and take some rest. My husband is busy taking pictures of Adrian. Claire went to Pugon to buy some bread for our snack.

One by one, classmates of Adrian is coming into the room. Others were already dressed in their costumes, so Adrian has to change clothes also. He was hesitant to change clothing in front of the crowd so we look for a spot in the corner.

Few minutes before the schedule of their dance, the rain poured. The rain lasted for less than an hour. The teacher announced that the dance presentation has been canceled, and will continue tomorrow. Most of the parents, as well as the children were disappointed, but we cannot do anything about it. Their covered court is still under construction. When the rain stopped, we went to Imus to greet my father a happy birthday. He celebrated his birthday yesterday.

My mother and father were surprised when we arrived. Adrian greeted his Lolo, happy birthday and give him the gift. They did a small celebration yesterday, Ate Maricel cooked spaghetti and pansit. Ate Cris and Kyla also arrived.

October 25 - Pier 6

October 25, Saturday, We have to dropped Adrian and Claire in my parents house in Imus. At Maricel and Charlie were already there when we came. We arrived there at past 8am, after taking a quick breakfast we head our way to pier 6. That morning we will fetch my mother and Adis in Pier 6. We were stuck in traffic jam, we are not expecting a heavy traffic in a saturday morning. Last sunday when we accompanied them to Manila, it only took us 30 minutes to the place. While that day we almost consumed the 30 minutes and we still in the vicinity of Bacoor. Adis is already sending text messages on our whereabouts, well we had to tell her that we are in a heavy traffic. We arrived 20 minutes late, my aunties were already left them in the area.

Waiting is not irritated them but the taxi drivers that were keep on talking to them eventhough they already told each and everyone of them that they had someone to pick them up. Well, we cannot blame them, because they are just want to make money.

We arrived at Imus at past 12nn. My mother was very tired she was not able to eat lunch but rather choose to take a nap first.

When my mother woke up, she had her breakfast and started to tell stories of their stay in the province. There are time when she is carried away with her stories she will speak their native dialect and then we will just laugh on it. We cannot understand and speak the dialect so my father has to translate it to us.

Before going home my mother packed the pasalubongs from our aunties in the province. We also called one of our mother's sister Tita Margie to thank her.

October 19 - Pier 6

October 19 - Sunday, We woke up at around 5am. I already prepared the breakfast. I cooked the ham and hotdog. My mother cooked the rice and after that she left to buy chicken that they will packed for lunch. At around 7 am, we had our breakfast. At around 8am Ate Maricel with her son Charlie arrived, I was still deep frying the chicken that time. There is still some chicken to be cooked as adobo, Ate Maricel volunteered to cook it.

At exactly 9am, when all is prepared we head our way to pier 6. It is my husband's first time drive in the area so he is depending on us to teach him the way. Actually I am not been there before, my mother was the only one that was been in the place before but forgotten it. She and my father used to rent a jeepney to bring them to pier everytime they are going to province. When I saw the Makro sign, I knew we already in the wrong way, so my husband pull over the car and decided to ask for direction. We already passed it according to the woman in the sidewalk. After thanking the woman we went to the direction she just said.

When we arrived to the place, we saw there my aunties who are also going with them. After a few chat, we already leave them in the waiting area.

It is already past 12nn when we arrived at Imus, they all had lunch so I and my husband after taking a few minutes rest had our lunch together.

At around 3pm, we decided to go home. We first drop Ate Maricel and Charlie to their house in Dasma before going home.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

October 18 - Day at Imus

October 18, Saturday, my mother requested if we can bring Adrian to their house today. It is because she will leave on Sunday morning. She is going to Aklan together with Adis to attend the funeral of her older sister (Tita Alec). My father is not able to join her because his doctor still not advised him to travel. This coming November, he has a scheduled check up with his doctor at lung center, then he will ask if he can travel next year.

It was just a coincedence that my husband's friends were joining a car show in a Petron Gas station nearby. The first plan was my husband is going with my son, but the affair starts at 6pm; we already been in car show before and I know in fact that it will last late at night. So I told my husband to not bring our son into the show, although Adrian loves seeing car displays.

We decided to spent the night with my parents because we have to accompany her and Adis to the terminal tomorrow morning.

October 17 - Claire's 17th Birthday

October 17, Friday, Claire and I woke up early that morning. I helped her cooked the spaghetti she will bring to school. After cooking the spaghetti my husband and Claire tasted it, actually we had it as our breakfast. Adrian do not eat spaghetti, so I had to cook some hotdogs for him. I am transferring the spaghetti into a tupperware dish when my husband requested to left some of the spaghetti for us to share this afternoon; so I did.

At past 6:00pm we arrived form from, Claire already prepared the dinner, she cooked fried chicken wings and also re-heated the spaghetti. My husband asked Claire to get the gift we bought for her yesterday. Before opening the gift, we asked her to had her birthday wish and then my husband also says his wishes to his sister. After singing the Happy Birthday song, Claire opened the gift and she was surprised with it. We bought her a Philips CD and MP3 player with radio. She loves listening to music and loves to sing as well. Adrian was jealous of the gift, we told him that he is too young to own one. Claire is willing to share it with him.

After opening the gift, we had our dinner and right after eating my husband teach Claire on operating the cassette/CD player.

It is also my sister's birthday (Lala), we will celebrate it together with Ate Maricel (october 24) and Papa (October 27), but we also have to wait for Ate Liezel's return on November 1.

October 12 - Adrian Visited His Pedia

October 12, Sunday, we went to Wellcare clinic for Adrian's scheduled vaccine. We arrived at the waltermart mall wherein the clinic is located at past 9am. Although Dra. Yambot's clinic starts at 10am, there were already patients lined up at her clinic, actually Adrian is already number 7 on her list. While waiting for her, we decide to go to the supermarket to buy some groceries. After that we went back to the clinic to check the number being served at Dra. Yambot's clinic. It is still number 2 when we arrived, so we decided to go to the abenson home center, I am looking for additoinal christmas decors to decorate our christmas tree; unluckily I saw nothing that interests me in the stall.

Then we returned to the clinic, it is already number 4, so we decided to stay and wait in the area. Number 5 was called then no one shows up so she proceed with number 6. After number 6, number 5 still not in the area, so it ous turn now. When Adrian entered the clinic, he started to tell stories about his schooling with his pedia. He told her that he already knows counting 1 to 100 and then after that he told his pedia that he is already eating vegetables (green leaves especially - what he actually said). Then after doing some routine checking with my son, Adrian told his pedia that he does not want to have pinched by a needle. Dra delayed it for a while and asked Adrian about his school activities. My son actually show some dance steps they are practicing for the upcoming foundation day. Dra. instructed me to have Adrian seated on my lap, and then she did what was needed. Adrian shouted and cried, but that stopped after the needled was pulled-out.

After that we went directly to my parents house in Imus. Upon arriving Adrian told his Lolo and Lola about the needle. They had already finished with their lunch when we arrived. We had sarsiadong tilapia for lunch.

Adis bought one dozen of donuts for the snack and we had pork sinigang for the dinner.

October 11 - Benedic's 7th Birthday

October 11, 2008, Saturday, we went to our godson's 7th birthday celebration. Benedic is the son of our common friend Ate Carol and my husband's former boss Bill. They had three sons, Dan, Carl, and Benedic. It is also their house blessing; and they just moved in few weeks ago to their new house in Dasmarinas.

Upon arriving to the place, we saw already few of their family members in the area. Ate Carol was very happy to tour us around their new house. We were been in their old house back at General Trias for many times, and it is our first time to see their new home. Well, knowing that it is located in an executive village gives us the clue that the house is going to big and beautiful, and that is exactly what we saw.

My husband volunteered himself to took pictures of the event, while I did the video coverage.
The house blessing has a heart touching moment when our friend Bill, give a short speech. He was very thankful for our Lord that He had given his family all the blessings that they receiving right now. He mentioned in his speech that his family does not have anything, their house in Blumentritt is made out of old GI sheets, wherein if the wheater is hot it is really hot in there. His mother and wife is crying from the start of his speech until the end. All of the people who attended the house blessing were touched by his story.

After the house blessing, the birthday celebration started. The kids were very happy doing fun games and watching the clown performing some magic tricks; which they knew already but they still enjoyed it. My son and justin won the stop dance contest, although there were three pairs remaining at the end of the contest, the clown decide to give the prize to the pair because they were the ones who were youngest of the remaining pairs.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Quezon - Day 2

October 5, Sunday. We woke up early to catch the 7am mass at St. Claire. My mother-in-law cooked pancit bihon and bought some pandesal for breakfast. We had hot milo to warm our stomach. The church is just a few blocks away from my in-laws' house so we decided to have a walk, although there were also few transportation on that area. Tricycles which are passing by were already full; while jeepneys are rarely going to that route. The mass has not yet started when we arrived. My mother-in-law found some of her friends there and we were introduced to them.

After the mass, we went home. Adrian saw some tricycle parked outside the church. He asked if we are going to ride a tricycle back to the house. But those are waiting for the passengers that they brought in. So again, we just have to walk.

That morning, I started to packed up our things; while my husband and son are busy with the magic sing. Claire and my mother-in-law is busy in the kitchen, preparing our lunch. My father-in-law was in the school; checking their classrooms and canteen.

My husband's cousin Angel arrived before lunch time. She is also a elementary school teacher. Adrian was so happy to she her. She used to take care Adrian during summer vacations, as well as her other younger sisters.

For lunch we have fried bangus and grilled bangus. After lunch while watching TV; my mother-in-law is preparing the malunggay leaves that she will cook for dinner. Adrian is curious seeing her Lola removing the leaves one by one from the branch. He offered help to his Lola. When I saw him very eager to finish the task, I told my husband to take some photos of them.

At past 2:00pm, we had to leave my in-laws. We must be at the road before it got busy. There are a lot of motorisy going back to Manila on Sunday afternoon. As usual, we passed by the house of Nanay Eding to say goodbye and Arwin told us that he will go with us. Unfortunately, Nanay Eding was not in the house, she is in the church doing some activity; while Arwin choosed to extend his time with his family, especially to his father.

It is almost 5:00pm when we arrived at Batangas. We stopped by at one of the many fruit stands along the road to buy some lansones and rambutan. We also had to stopped at a nearby Mc Donalds to use the comfort room and bought french fries and drinks as snacks that we can eat along the way. We still less than 3 hours of journey to Cavite. It is almost 8:00pm when we arrived at the Cavite town proper, I told my husband that we better buy grilled chicken for the dinner, because I am already tired. We stopped at Sr. Pedro to buy one whole grilled chicken.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Lunch at Gumaca

My parents-in-law wanted to eat lunch at Gumaca, a town away from Lopez where their favorite restaurant is located. I am actually have not tried that restaurant before, so I am excited to taste the food there. My husband woke up exactly before 12:00nn. We are actually about to woke him up, because we are all ready to go. We waited for few minutes more for my husband to get ready and then we go.

Upon arriving to the location of the restaurant, we cannot find a parking space. We did circling around the area for few minutes, but still no parking space is vacated. Then we decided to eat at Jollibee. After eating, my parents-in-law decided to drop by at the local market to buy fresh sea foods, then we went our way to Lopez. We are very lucky to have a good wheather that time, it is not too hot, but the sun is still bright and up high. We had a stop over by the bay to took some photos of the place and then we go.

We had grilled pla-pla and we had some ginisang upo for dinner. Arwin arrived that night to have some bottles of beer with my husband. Adrian and I were already sleeping when he left.

October 4 , Quezon - Day 1

October 4, Saturday, We woke up at around 3:00am to get ready. We will start our journey to Quezon at around 4: 30 am. Claire re-heated the left over fried chicken and fried bangus from last night's dinner. After eating, my husband took care of our dog, we will be away for two days, so he makes sure that tornado will have enough water and food. While Claire is taking a quick shower, I double check our bags, if we are missing anything. Adrian is still asleep, we will just woke him up if we are ready to go. I just packed his favorite cookies and we also brought some bottled water for convenience, if in case we will not have stop over along the way. After making sure that our we are not forgetting anything, I took I quick shower. My husband is still taking a bath when I woke up Adrian, he is also excited to go to Quezon.

Ten minutes ahead of time, we left the house and head our way to Quezon. Road widening of South Luzon express is still on going. The way is puzzling, drivers should always be alert for merging roads or re-routing. Well it seems that it will still be this way for couple of years or more.

We took the old high way as usual, because it will save us a 45 minutes to one hour of travel time. We decided to have a short stop when my husband saw a space where he can park the car. He took some photos and off we go. We did not stop over by the bay which we usually do, because we have a plan this afternoon to go there with my in-laws.

We stop at Nanay Edeng's house before going to my in-laws. There we saw Arwin, my husband's cousin who is also working at Manila. He just came last night. Also there is Tita Lotlot, sister of my mother-in-law. They are very happy to see Adrian, especially now that Adrian is very talkative. After spending few minutes with them, we say goodbye and head our way to my-in-laws. We arrived 2 hours earlier that they expected, that my mother-in-law has not yet prepared a breakfast for us. She decided to buy pancit bihon, shanghai and lomi from the nearby small restaurant. After eating breakfast, my husband took a nap, while Adrian is busy playing and Calire and I took the oppurtunity to sing using the magic sing. If my husband is awake, we will not have the time to hold that microphone.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

September 30 - MOA

At around 11:00am, Adrian and Claire arrived from school.The lunch is already prepared. After eating lunch, Adrian change his clothes and then we head our way to Manila. We went first to Makati to buy perfumes (my husband's business). After buying the ordered perfumes, then we went to MOA. Passing by the Bread Talk stall, my son's and husband's favorite, we decided to have a snack. After that quick snack, we went to the department store to buy a gift for our godson Benedic who will celebrate his 7th birthday on October 11. After having the gift wrapped, we also bought photo album for our pictures, our two photo albums were already full.

My husband told Adrian that I will be the one to accompany them in the skating rink; while he will took pictures. I am not satisfied with the last time photos that I took. Adrian did not agree with his father because he told him that I not good at it. Finally my husband agreed to join them in the skating rink.

Before they get inside the rink; I already took photos and adjusted the camera's settings and took some sample photos. I stop adjusting with the camera when I am satisfied with the result photos. Just in time when they entered the rink, I am ready to took pictures of them.

After the one hour skating, they felt hungry and tired. It is almost six pm, I told them to drop by the seawall to capture the sunset before having dinner. Unfortunately the sun was covered by thick clouds that time. I just took some photos of the bay and then we go. Most of the restaurants and fast food chain were already full. We choose to eat Max's; although we waited for few minutes untill we are seated. We ordered chopsuey, chicken and topsilog for me and Adrian.

After eating, I took some more photos of the view and then we went home.

Monday, September 29, 2008

My Birthday

September 30, Tuesday, My husband and I are on vacation leave from work. We still have to woke up early today because Adrian is still going to school. Actually my husband woke me up when the alarm rung at 4:30am. I had a long sleep that night. The last thing that I remembered was the time that I asked my son to massage my back. He greeted me Happy Birthday, he has no gift for me. Actually, he asked me what do I wanted for my birthday, I said that I don't need anymore gift. I already had a new cellphone a month ago, so for me it is enough.

We already downstairs, when Adrian went down and greeted me. After eating breakfast, we prepare Adrian for school. He was wondering why he had to go to school today, because we promised him that we will go to SM Mall of Asia to celebrate my birthday. I told him that we will wait for him and Claire from school and then we will go to MOA.

Adrian requested if he can have rice to school, he said that most of his classmates have rice on recess. So as requested, we packed him rice and I cooked the last night left over stuffing of relyenong bangus with egg to make it an instant omelette.

September 28 - Advance Birthday Celebration

September 28, Sunday, I celebrated my birthday in advance at my parent's house in Imus. My husband had to report for work on Saturday night, his co-technician called him that there will be no one from their group to be on duty that night. As a senior technician, he had no choice but to go to work.

Sunday morning, Claire and I woke up early to cook. After eating breakfast; I let my son watch, Kung Fu Panda so he will not disturb us on our cooking. My husband came at 10am, I let him rest for few hours. Ate Cris sent a text message if we can pick her and Kyla; I am still cooking that time and I don't have enough time to finish it before lunch. I replied to her that we cannot accomodate to pick them at their house, instead I instructed her to go to our house.

At 11:30am, Ate and Kyla arrived, we are just finished with cooking. We head our way to Imus.
After unpacking the food, we eat together. Adis is still on her way, she bought a cake for me. After few minutes, she came with a cake and a friend of her. He bought the cake from Red Ribbon, it does not have a candle on it. Well, I really don't want to blow a candle after all, I am too old for that.

We spent the whole day eating. We will have hard time again burning those calories.

After eating dinner, we called Ate Liezel who is in KSA right now. She will be coming home soon. Actually she already sent a message that it is only 43 days to go and she will be home. It is very timely, she can spent the Christmas with us. It has been two years now since she left.

September 27 - Tree Planting

September 27, Saturday. I registered for the tree planting activity of the company. Other company from Cavite will also be joining in this activity (intel, Epson, JAE, etc). My husband also like to join but the schedule date of the activity is in conflict with his activity. He had already told Kuya Larry, that he will go to his shop to have our car checked.

My husband woke me up at around 5:00am. I immediately went down to prepare breakfast for all of us. My husband also join me downstairs. We eat breakfast together, then I took a bath. It is already 5:45am when Adrian went down and sit on his chair on the dining table. I am preparing myself to go, when Adrian asked me to eat breakfast first before going. I told him that I already eat breakfast and I should go now because I will be late for the activity.

The assembly time is 6:30 to 6:50am. I arrived on the meeting place, which is the courtyard of the company at exactly 6:30am. I saw there other volunteers including some familiar and not so familiar faces. Our company consists of more or less 4ooo employees. I joined the group where my co-department is; while waiting for others, especially coming from the HR department; I decided to got to the comfort room. I am already at the hallway when my phone rings, I did not answer the phone because I had a knew it is tonet who is calling. And I am right, when I came there, they are already exiting the lobby.

We started the journey from the company, then we went to the place where we will plant tree. Easy as I say, but before getting there we walked a long way. At first we are walking on a concrete road, and after some time, the road becomes a rough one. Then we knew that we are getting nearer to the place.

Before the tree planting, there is a short program. During the program, pandesal with peanut butter is being served. Then the tree planting begins. Tonet and I, decide to work as I team. We planted a total of three trees. After the activity, the host of the program called all the volunteers for fun games.

After the fum games, the lunch is served. After having lunch, we then walked again and went home.

Last year I was not able to join because I am studying at that time, but as far as I can recall the company also joined a tree planting at la mesa dam. I will definitely join another activity like this in the coming year.

September 21, My husband spent a day with us

September 21, Sunday, my husband had his schedule changed. It is because one technician from their group had to go to school. Their supervisor give him a special schedule to fit in his schedule for schooling. My husband was the first from their group to be schedule for two months to report on normal time. It is a good news for me, but for my husband he is not that happy because his salary will be lessen, because his night differential and premiums will be removed. I told him that is ok, the important thing is that we will have the same off from work and we can have quality time for our son.

We did not woke up early that morning, I mean them. I still have to cook breakfast for them, so I had to woke up same time each day. I cooked tortang giniling (with potato and carrots), for breakfast. When breakfast is ready, I had to woke them up one by one. After eating breakfast, we all prepared our things and off we go to Imus.

My parents thought that we are not coming that day because it is already 10am when we arrived at their house.

We had pork steak for lunch. We just finished with lunch when Ate Maricel and Charlie came.

Adrian, Charlie are playing outside the whole day. My son found new friends in person of Princess, Moy-moy, and another boy (I forgot his name). They all live near my parent's house.

Matet cooked hot cake (it is one of her specialty - I even look on how she is doing it) for all of us that aftenoon.

Charlie and Ate Maricel had to went home early that day she had to do the laundry and other household chores.

Matet bought grilled chicken for our dinner. After eating dinner we also went home.

September 14, Laarni is the grand winner of PDA

September 14, As any other Sundays, we went to my parent's house at Imus. After eating breakfast, my husband went his way to work. It is almost tow months now that his scheduled for work falls on a Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. We still have to wait for another two months for his schedule to rotate and change to Monday to Thursday. My schedule at work was on normal working time from day one of my work. Crewing schedule (it is what we called it) comes with its beneficial and non-beneficial aspects. Well, being in a crewing pattern, you have higher rate of premium hours, the night differential, and you don't have to take a vacation leave if you need to settle some important matters during weekdays. One of its non-beneficial side is that you cant be with your family on weekends when your schedule falls during those days.

My parents is always looking forward to Sundays. It is because their grandchildren are coming to spent a day with them. During weekdays, most of the days they were alone because my brother JR and sister Matet are leaving the house early and coming home late because they are still studying in Manila. While JC, the son of Ate Maricel, who is also living with them also spent the whole day at school.

My mother cooked Tinola for lunch.

Ate Maricel and Charlie was not able to come that day. Adis bought a box of mister donut for snacks. We spent the whole afternoon watching TV and playing with my son.

We had grilled chicken for dinner while watching our favorite Pinoy Dream Academy. It is the big night or the graduation night as they call it. I even voted for my bet Laarni. We are very excited for the results. My mother is cheering for Bugoy. Matet wants liezel or Laarni.

My husband came at around 10pm, just right after the winner had announced. Laarni won the PDA season 2. He already had dinner at work, so we had to go after packing our things.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sept. 7 - Imus

September 7, Sunday as usual we went to Imus to spent our day with my parents. We woke up late that morning. My husband decided not to join us at breakfast because he will be coming late for work. My mother packed him a meal (sarsiadong bola-bola) and then he head his way to work.

At lunch, my mother cooked tinola for Adrian (it is my son's all time favorite), and of course the left over form the breakfast (bola-bola and pork adobo). Ate Maricel with his son Charlie came just after the lunch.

For snack, Adis called a pizza delivery. Her nephews all loves pizza.

Matet and Adis played with their nieces that whole afternoon. They get crazy taking pictures of the three boys.

For dinner, we had grilled chicken, also a favorite of the family.

Sept. 6 - Island Cove

September 6, Saturday, My husband promised this day to Adrian that we will go for swimming. We woke up early to prepare our things. At around 9am, we left the house and head our way to Island Cove. Along the way, we had a talk about transferring Adrian to another school. His current school is ok, but we are thinking if we can send him to a better school next year. We actually passed by a school wherein some of our co-employees kids are currently schooling. There is no question that it is a better school; but what is going on our mind is if we can afford it. At around 10am, we arrived at the Island Cove. It is only then, that we noticed that Adrian has no slippers, because his father carried him to the car and Claire did not notice that Adrian is not wearing his slippers on. We went to a stall to buy him a pair of slippers, luckily there is a pair that is fitted to him.

Before dipping into the pool, we first had some picture taking. My husband was not able to join us at firts because he is the oe taking the pictures. After taking some photos he changed clothes and return the camera in the car and then join us in the pool.

Monday, September 1, 2008

August 31, High School IV-I Class Get Together

August 31, Sunday, I heard the alarm rung that I set at 5am. I immediately jump up from bed and packed my things. I also had to wake up Claire, Adrian and my husband. After taking a bath and we are all set; we left the house at 5:45am. Before starting the car my husband; as usual asked if we did not forget anything.

At 6:00 am, my mother is still cooking when we arrived. After having a quick breakfast, we say goodbye to them. I am not going to work with my husband, I am going to Marilao Bulacan for our High School Class get together.

My husband dropped me off to the nearest bus stop. That time I had to travel alone to the venue. My cousin Maribel who is also living (actually her house is one subdivision away from my parents) in Imus is not going to make it due to some reasons. I took a bus going to Lawton. At Quirino, I decided to transfer to LRT to save some travel time, because it will bring me faster to the meeting place. As expected I arrived 10 minutes earlier at Araneta Square. My classmate Fidel provided a jeepney that will bring us all to Bulacan, the first pick up point is at Jolibee Malabon town proper. After waiting for some more time, I had to contact them to know their actual location. I waited for another 15 minutes before they arrive, but the wait worth it because inside the jeepney, I saw Rowena, Perci, Ronaldo, Leyden, Dona, Noemi, Marvin, Rodel, Ricardo, and Fidel. On the next stop, we waited for Sion and Reden.

At 10 am, we arrived to the place. It is a private swimming pool. The food came few minutes later. We decided to eat even though we wanted to wait for others who are still on their way; it is because most of us were already hungry.

After eating, some of the boys went for a dip in the swimming pool. After an hour the second batch came, they were Roldan with his wife Leslie (also our classmate), Mary Jane our class valedictorian, Marilyn, Leah, Al, and Ralph.

At 3pm, when the sun is covered by the thick clouds we decided to join in the pool. The boys play relay on the water, we girls were not able to join because we don't know how to swim. At 6pm we decided to get out of the pool. After eating and taking a quick shower, our class president open the floor for each one of us to give an update on ourselves. Marilyn has just got married, while for the boys, Al also got married few months ago. Some of us have new addition to their family; Rodel and his wife got another baby girl; while Leslie and Roldan also had a another baby boy. Some got promoted, while some are planning to take up masteral classes, others are reviewing for board exam. After the updates, we also had a small raffle. Then we packed our things and went our way to SM Marilao for a Pizza Treat from Percival.

Rico Jay together with Marvin dropped me at Monumento LRT station, unfortunately I was not able to catch the last train. I took the jeepney heading to Baclaran. My husband picks me up at a gasoline station near MOA. It is already 11:30 pm when we arrive at home.

Over all the reunion is successful. Here are some of our photos.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Aug 24, Sunday, we spent the day in my parents' house in Imus

August 17, Sunday, we woke up late that morning, because we stay awake until 11pm on Saturday night due to a movie shown in HBO. Although we have watched it twice, we still can resist "Fun with Dick and Jane". We still laugh on it as if we are watching it for the first time. We were asking Adrian about what will happen next, and he can say exactly what is going to happen.

It is already 6 am in the morning, we all had a quick shower and rushed to my parents' house. We arrived there at past 7am. Ate Maricel and Charlie were also there. The breakfast that my mother prepared for us were fried tamban, fried egg and hotdog. After the breakfast my husband left for his work.

Matet cooked tinolang manok and pork sinigang for lunch.

For snack, Matet cooked hot cake. I watched her prepared the ingredients because I usually buy the ready hot cake mix; it makes my life a lot easier.

In the afternoon, I took some photos of some grass what we called damong ligaw in the nearby vacant lot.

For the dinner I cooked amplaya con carne, while my mother fried some fish.

At 9pm, I went upstairs to have a rest, and fell asleep. Claire woke me up when my husband arrived. I prepared his meal. After eating dinner, we went home.

We dropped off Ate Maricel and Charlie in their house before heading our way home.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Aug 17 - Sunday at my Parents' House

Aug 17 - Sunday, as usual we spent our day with my parents house at Imus. We arrived at around 7am. My mother is still in the market but there is a ready breakfast for us; fried egg, meat loaf and pork adobo. My husband left and head his way to work at quarter to eight. My mother arrived at past eight, she told us that she met a neighbor in the market and she had a little chat with her.

My mother this time cooked tinolang manok and paksiw na tamban for lunch.

Past 3pm Matet was about to pick JC who is in dasmarinas with ate maricel, when adrian heard about it. He insisted that he will go with her tita matet. My mother at first disagree with him, but at the end we allow him to go.

The whole afternon then was raining hard, I was not able to practice taking pictures that much; but when the rain stopped, I took some photos of the orchids with rain water still on it.
I cooked ginataang kalabasa with malunggay for the dinner while my mother cooked pork steak.

Matet, together with JC and Adrian arrived at past 7pm.

My husband pick us up at around 10pm.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Aug 10 - My parents' small garden

Aug 10, Sunday, as usual we spent our Sunday at Imus. We left our house early so that my husband will not be late for his work. After having breakfast, he left to got to his work. I brought the camera that day to do practice. I was surprised to saw that my parents already have a small garden on the small space in front of their house. They told me that they bought the orchids and the other ornamental plants from garden store nearby. I can still remember back in Malabon, we used to have ornamental plants. My father and mother were lucky to have that green thumb for growing plants; while for myself I was not blessed on that part. Everything I tried to grow, even a simple plant ends up dead after few weeks. I took some photos of those flowers and plants using the macro option of the camera.

Here are some of the shots, my husband was proud to see that my skill in taking pictures is improving.

I cooked tinolang manok for lunch and ginataang mais for snack. While for the dinner, Adis bought grilled chicken and liempo.

My husband pick us up at around 10pm.

I'm on Sick Leave - Aug 5-7

I am not feeling well last Monday night, due to cough and colds. It's been raining for a week now, and almost every one in our group has cough and colds, actually Alain, a friend and co-employee was back from a three day sick leave due to the same reason. Tuesday morning, I know I was able to come to work, despite of not feeling well. My husband is on night shift, so I went directly to his work station and ask him to have a breakfast at the cafeteria. After having breakfast, I check my e-mails and answer those mails that requires urgent action. My husband seeing me with this condition, he told me that I better go the clinic and had a check-up with our company physician. At first I called my boss and informed him that I will go to the clinic to have a check-up, my boss' said that if the doctor will advise me to go home then, it is fine with him. Upon seeing the doctor he gave me a medication for a week and told me to take a rest for two days. We will meet each other on the third day, hopefully he can clear me give so that I can report to work on that day.

We went to the pharmacy to buy the medicines, I also remembered that Adrian's vitamins is almost empty so we also bought his vitamins. My husband had to go to Ate Cris, because her computer is having a problem, I told him that instead of going home alone I still accompany him to Ate's house. When we arrive there, we shouted "Pabili", because Ate has a small store; we are expecting Ate to answer but her daughter Kyla answered "Ano Yon". Ate is not around, only her daughter Kyla and our niece Charlie were there. Kyla told me that her mother left them for a while. I told Kyla not to let anybody in, when her mother is out. After a while Ate arrives, it is almost lunch time so we ate our lunch there. After eating, Ate describes the problem of her computer to Jelmar, while Ate asked me if I can bring Kyla to school, which is only a block from their house. Upon repairing the computer problem which is after 30 minutes, Ate told us to stay in the house because she will bring Charlie to school. When Ate arrived, we told her that we should go now, but she told if Jelmar still can look on her DVD player, which has problem with its video out. When it was turned on and a DVD was loaded, the picture colors were only shades of green. Ate told us that it was not like that before, until she has to move the TV rack to the other side of the house, and she has to remove all of the cables connections from the TV going to the DVD player. Jelmar asked for the manual of the DVD and TV, after changing some of the connections, the color is now normal.

When we arrived at our house, my son was surprised to see me back from work early.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Aug 3 - Sunday at Imus

August 3, Sunday, we went to Imus to give them our pasalubong from Singapore. We arrived at around past 6 am. My parents were surprised to see us come that early. It is because my husband has a work schedule on that day. After having a quick breakfast, my husband head his way to his work.

After taking some rest, I show them the pictures from the trip. My parents were both amazed of the cleanliness and orderliness of the city.

I cooked pork sinigang for lunch and we cooked ginataang kamoteng kahoy for snack. For dinner, we had fried tilapia and the left over sinigang.

My husband arrived around 10pm to pick us up. My husband had his midnight snack, because he already had his dinner at work.

Singapore Day 5 Photos

Singapore Day 4 Photos

Singapore Day 3 Photos